Santa Ana Sucker
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) declared the Santa Ana sucker (Catostomus Santaanae) a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act and released the Santa Ana Sucker Recovery Plan.
The San Gabriel Valley Water Association follows federal activities on the Santa Ana Sucker because of the impacts they may have on water supply availability, operations and costs for San Gabriel Valley water suppliers.
Read more from the USFWS and the Center for Biological Diversity on the Santa Ana Sucker here:
Center for Biological Diversity Information on the Santa Ana Sucker
Fish and Wildlife Service Recovery Plan for the Santa Ana Sucker
The San Gabriel River is a high priority system for steelhead recovery as identified in the 2012 National Marine Fisheries Service Southern California Steelhead Recovery Plan.
SGVWA supports efforts to prevent the extinction of South-Central California Coast steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the wild and to ensure the long-term persistence of viable, self sustaining, populations of steelhead distributed across the South-Central California Coast Steelhead (SCCCS) Distinct Population Segment (DPS).
Recovery of the SCCCS DPS will require the protection, restoration, and maintenance of a range of habitats throughout the DPS.
San Gabriel Mountains Recreation Area
Since 2013 the SGVWA has monitored and commented on efforts to designate the San Gabriel River and surrounding San Gabriel Mountains a National Recreation Area.
Learn more about our efforts and legislative actions to protect the water rights and usage in the basin.
San Gabriel Mountains National Monument
In alignment with efforts to designate portions of the San Gabriel Mountains as a National Recreation Area, President Barack Obama created a new monument in 2014, designating 346,177 acres of public lands, including large portions of the Angeles National Forest and parts of the San Bernardino National Forest, a National Monument.
SGVWA remains involved in planning and implementation through its work with the National Forest Service collaborative.
Resource links for additional information: