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ACWA: Will El Niño End California's Drought?

from ACWA News-

"The stage is set for a strong El Niño event this winter, but experts are cautioning that heavy rain and even flooding in some parts of the state will not necessarily end California’s four-year drought.

While there is no single factor that will determine when the drought ends, water managers and other experts will be watching several factors for signs of improvement.

ACWA has prepared aninfographic with a high-level look at key drought recovery factors and several unknowns that may come into play. Even when the current drought ends, water managers know the next drought could be just around the corner. In fact, California may be facing a “new normal” of extreme droughts and floods due to climate change.

For now, state and local water managers are in the unique position of urging the public to prepare for the possibility of floods and extreme weather events while continuing to conserve water due to the drought. Mandatory water conservation remains in effect under emergency regulations adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board. The regulations extend through February 2016 and may be extended or modified by the State Water Board early next year."

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